Thursday 29 April 2010

Seeking kajira

Updated: 2022.04.26

For would be slaves who wish to serve me:

I have a primary slave who is, and will remain First Boy (AKA alpha slave).

I am seeking a lesbian or bisexual kajira to add to my household as a personal slave, who is either local or able to relocate.

A girl need not specifically be trained as "kajira". Kajira is simply the "Gorean" word for, "slave girl". If I own her, she will, by definition, be kajira, and I will train her to my specifications.

(I am also looking for a house slave, to assist with the heavier domestic duties, which have become too much for my boy, as he ages. Click here  for more information.)

Applicants wishing to be considered will:
  • Take the time and effort to read this post, and my full profile in their entirety, before contacting me.
  • Write a well worded, polite, and concise introduction, using proper spelling (UK or US spellings are fine, and if English is not your first language, that will be taken into consideration. It is the effort I am concerned with!), grammar, capitalisation and punctuation, telling me why you wish to serve me and what qualifications, skills, and/or traits you possess.
  • Be rigorously and entirely honest; Both with me and in all areas of their lives. (Note: This does NOT mean giving out your personal information before we are ready to move to that level! That is simply foolish, and I have no use for a stupid or foolish slave!)
  • Have a sincere desire to serve, please, and obey.
  • Practice good personal hygiene and grooming.
  • Be drama free.
  • Have and maintain her own living quarters. This will not be a live-in position. (If relocating, I will, of course, do what I can to assist in finding appropriate housing).
  • Be mature and capable of independence.
  • Not be allergic or overly sensitive to cigar smoke. Cigar enthusiast a BIG plus!
  • Like, and be able to be around animals, especially dogs. 
  • Not try to "usurp", or  otherwise displace my first slave in any way. He was here first, and his position will be respected. 
  • Be primarily FEMALE identified and bodied (bits need not be "original" equipment). That means, to be quite frank, have breasts, vulva, and a vagina, and be willing to be used sexually as a female, by a female. A boi or non-binary person is not out of the question, as long as they are cool with being related to, presented, and used primarily as a girl, at least a good portion of the time, so be secure in your gender stuff. I have no desire to fuck anyone up or contribute to dysphoria! TVs/CDs/sissies and non-op MtF need not apply. Pre-op MtF may be negotiable, depending on chemistry/fit and other factors.
My kajira will perform both domestic and personal duties, including being used sexually. Domestic service will include things such as cleaning, organizing, occasional cooking, miscellaneous household tasks, and occasionally entertaining guests. Personal service involves serving me food and drink, cigar service, pampering me with massages, foot service/pedicures, manicures, grooming, and the like, accompanying me to events or on errands, serving as my playtoy, and anything else that I decide will please me. She will never be required to be sexual with men, though will be permitted to on occasion if she desires and earns the privilege.

In turn, I will nurture, train, guide and cherish her as the jewel on my chain I require her to be, as she is consistently maintained and improved.

I expect slaves to obey, not necessarily without question, but without undue hesitation or unnecessary questioning, and to provide me, promptly, with any information that is relevant to the situation.

I also expect respect and deference to be shown to me and to all free persons at all times.

While I do not insist on "high protocol" all the time, preferring a more relaxed approach most of the time, the slavery will be absolute and I will NOT tolerate blatant disrespect, rudeness, drama, attempted manipulation, "topping from the bottom", or disobedience. Those will be punished quickly and, if continued, will result in dismissal.

I would prefer a girl who has had at least some training, however, applicants will not be disregarded solely because they do not. A sincere desire to learn, obey, and be pleasing is far more important to me than prior training. I will train you to suit my preferences, either way.

I do not take ownership lightly, nor do I stand for "Velcro collars".
Once the collar is on, it is on. If it comes off, it stays off. (This does not apply to temporary, physical removal, as may be needed for medical or other purposes.)

I am not interested in solving all your problems for you, relieving you of your responsibilities as an adult, or excessive micromanaging.

I own slaves in order to make my life more pleasant, not to add troubles. That said, I will provide guidance, encouragement, and support in areas of self improvement, with the expectation that you will do the footwork required.

I enjoy many aspects of BDSM and I am a sadist. When we play, I will not take you beyond what you can handle, but I WILL push your limits and you will not necessarily enjoy everything I do to you, but will take what I dish out in order to please me, so you may bask in the glow of approval that comes with a job well done. I enjoy screams and moans of pleasure just as much as I enjoy those of pain, so it will not all be for my pleasure alone. What it will always be is at my whim.

Any potential slave initially met online will be interviewed and we will communicate online, followed by telephone/voice/Skype contact, to see if it seems like we are compatible.
If it seems likely, we will arrange to meet in a neutral and public location, where we will talk further and get to know one another a bit more. If that meeting is productive and positive, we will meet again, as many times as needed for both of us to feel comfortable moving to the next level.

If all that goes well, the slave will undergo a period of consideration, during which, she will receive training and will serve me as though in my collar, until she has proven herself, AND she feels ready to commit to becoming my property.

Questions in response to this post are welcome, AFTER you have read the entire post and my profile, to see if your question has already been answered.

Responses that contain "net speak", lack of punctuation, S/slashy T/typing, or rudeness will likely be ignored, as will questions that are already answered in this post or my profile.

**While the parts of your appearance over which you have no immediate control are largely unimportant, I insist that you make the effort to properly bathe and groom yourself routinely, and wear clean clothing. I understand that many of us cannot afford "nice" clothing, but it doesn't cost anything to make the effort to present oneself by making sure that you, and what you have is clean and neat!

A couple of additional posts, detailing many of my rules and other things to expect in my collar, can be found here (rules), and here (misc).

Here is another thing, just because. A letter to my kajira.

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