Neurodiverse Post Series

This is  where you'll find all my posts relating to neurodiversity (ND), and being, managing, or or coping with its myriad forms, whether as a ND person, or a neurotypical person who is around us ND folks. 

I've tried to put these posts into some kind of order that makes sense, at least to me, but there really is no specific reading order. 

Just a caveat, some of these posts are geared specifically toward dealing with ND in D/s dynamics. For the "vanilla" peeps out there, that means touching on the BDSM/kink world to a small degree. Nothing explicit or sexual or actually kinky in any of them, but if you are easily offended or shocked... Err... well, nevermind, actually. If you are easily offended or shocked, what the hell are you doing on my blog anyway!? Run! Run away!! Quickly, before it's too late! (It's probably already too late)


  • Non Stock Factory Options This was the first post I wrote that was specifically, deliberately on the topic of ND.

  • I HATE the Fecking Telephone!! This one explains why I, and many other ND people, prefer text or instant messaging to voice calls.

  •  Neuro-di-What?? Why and How to navigate the brain workings that make me who and how I am.

  • "You Know What I meant" (Things You Should Never Say to ND People) The title says it all. 

  • What I mean when I say I am a "social flake" I originally wrote most of this post on my social media and dating profiles, before I was diagnosed with ASD. When I reposted it here, I had been pretty recently diagnosed, and it explained SO much!!

  •  "Faking It" I wrote this one when I realised that the constant masking was not only draining my energy and will to live, but also, almost completely unnecessary, for a variety of reasons. 

  • About the ND Picture (in progress. Link will appear as soon as it's done)
    This is an explanation and exploration of the graphic I made to use for all the specifically ND Series posts.

  • Management Vs Macro-management Vs Micromanagement (Extreme or otherwise This is actually part of the D/s series, but there is some crossover, as it directly addresses several items that are specific to dealing with ND people. There is another post in the works, that is more general, as this post does contain a lot of hints for dealing with ND folks in general, it is more specifically what works for me, personally.

  • Managing Submissives/Slaves on the Spectrum (in progress. Link will appear as soon as it's done) Obviously, also part of the D/s series, with also obvious crossover.

  •  Khaos WolfKat's Mindbreak Theory (From 1999) This is (obviously, from the title) something I wrote way back in 1999. It is included here because I think it may be something that ND people will especially relate to, and, perhaps, a more ND way to look at things. This was close to 20 years before I was diagnosed as autistic, and long before I had heard of "neurodiverse", "neurodivergent", or, similar.



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